All of ME

All of ME

Sunday, April 25, 2010

YOU are a phenomenal Lady,a beautiful person,doing an extraordinary job,making things happen for those you love...and although you might not always feel it, you are loved and appreciated....
Why do I not feel it?At times its frustrating to do the housework and clean the rooms and mop the floors and change the bedsheets and scrub the toilets and and and so many things.They feel that its my job so don't make a fuss!!I wish men would show women they are appreciated the way we or I as a woman would want it.If the men feel birthdays are not important you'll be sure your birthday passes without a squeak.If they feel flowers are a waste of money so no flowers then.So goes the saying courtship is the best time.Flowers ,chocolates ,teddy are inundated with them that you find it hard to breathe.After the kids come its all quiet on the marital front.S-I_G_H!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

These are the latest pics of Haireen.She's all grown up now...a beautiful17-year-old who cannot wait to wear stillettoes!!She's going thru the period of uncertainty.Sometimes she has zero confidence and sometimes she seems to know what she wants!We all went thru this so I do feel for her.Residential school has done good for she's more industrious and mature in both thought and mind.But it is costing us a bomb!!Having done well in her finals last year.she's now in the creme-de-la creme class.All in this class are potential straight A+ achievers.This does give her some stress but I think she's taking it well!

hello Bloggy!!

I'm ashamed of myself..really.I abandoned this blog for almost a year.its not because i've got nothing to write about.Indeed i have plenty but those "pesky" Fb games were a greater lure than u Bloggy!BUT I'm back...with a vengeance!
I was egged into those games by the nieces in Kajang.Each one extolled the beauty of the game and kept sending me "gifts"So I was flooredThe rest is history..AWOL from this blog.
FARMVILE is so far the most interesting as it gives a chance to do what I like with that 24 by 24 God's little acre.i design it the way i'd like my farm to look like and I'm unabashed to say i thoroughly enjoy doing it.So starting today its going to be between Bloggy and FV.
Now to ward off that guilty feeling I'm going to attach a pic of the farm but I'm not too sure if I remember how to!!