All of ME

All of ME

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Breast ironing

There's an interesting program on Discovery Channel which is entitled 'TABOO".It is a documentary encasing taboos observed by people from all over the world.I happened to catch one of the programs a week ago and one taboo that aroused my interest was that of breast ironing.A certain tribe in Africa practise this taboo of breast ironing because they believe that breasts(womens') should'nt be allowed to grow or develop!To them developed breasts cause alot oftrouble.So when a little girl starts to develop breasts,normally at about 9,she undergoes this painful process.It is usually carried out by the grandmother or the mother.The tiny breasts are 'ironed'out with the aid of a piece of flat wood which is then heated.It is then pressed on the breast.The breast is then massaged.This goes on every day for about 3 months or until the breasts are deemed not to develop anymore.Some girls run away from home,some scream in pain everyday for 3 months and some just surrender themselves to the pain!
There are so many of these taboos all over the world.They are ancient practices but some parochial ones still practise these acts.Some extreme Muslims mutiliate the vagina and the less extreme ones circumcise the tip of the clitoris.To them,the ecstasy of an orgasm is wrong and so the mutiliation.
While some of us may gasp in horror at such acts or even scream "barbaric',let's not forget that we are them.Just watch 'Extreme Makeover'.Don't forget the nips and tucks
some women go through!
We human beings are never happy or satisfied with what God has bestowed upon us.He cannot make everyone beautiful because then the world would be a boring one.Everywhere you looked you'd see a beautiful girl!Boring!If he did not bestow you with a beautiful face he might have given you the brain of a rocket scientist...or even long slim fingers which would help you reach an octave!Those slim fingers would fit comfortably in the narrow space between aCsharp and anEflat!!!Everyone has been bestowed one or more talents and its up to us to find it.Some find it late so you have 'latent talent'.Some never find it at all.Maybe its because they are not bothered.But of course,there are those few lucky ones who have and brains to match.Wow!
On a personal note,I think God's creation should not be tampered with based on an impulse.If it has to be done to save a life,I don't he'd mind.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today my usually happy life caved in!I lost my three grandchildren.Their mother took them away ...far far away somewhere up north.I won't see them for a bit or maybe NEVER I think.I want to express my feelings here on this blog now.
Who turned the lights out?
It is so dark
I cannot see your faces
No I cannot.
If I lit a candle
I might see you three
Would I see happy faces
Would I see sad ones
Who turned down the volume
It is so quiet
I cannot hear your voices
No,I cannot
If I listened a little harder
I might hear you three
Would I hear cheerful voices
Or would I hear woeful tears
Life is full of changes
Changes for the good
Changes for the bad
I wonder yes,I wonder
What this change will bring
I need to go on
And not linger on the past
I must not lament on those good old days
For tomorrow will bring a new day
All I ask is that
You three remember our happy days
Remember that there'll always be
A place in me for you.
Chai Chien from NENEK
23 JANUARY 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cherry blossoms

Hi again-Yesterday's blog should have contained the picture above.I tried umpteen times to insert the pic of the cherry blossoms but failed.This morning S helped and here I am triumphant I've learnt one more intricacy of the laptop

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The song that I wrote on 14th September is complete.ML helped with the the bass notes as I have only an inkling of how to do it.Tq ML!So far I've 4 songs and have a few more in my hand book.What type of songs do I write?I write songs of love (Jeez,I sound like Barry Manilow now but what the heck...his songs have always been hits)of personal experiences and what I observe of Life.I've tried to write (at least the melody ) a rock song but so for it has got me nothing.Guess I have to get myself a leather jacket and boots and those chains to get into the rock mood!I would very much like to have my song included in this blog but being a very new blogger,I have yet to learn the intricacies of inserting a song.Maybe 10 or 20 blogs later???
A fellow student at the school where I'm tutored has written a whole lot of songs
and he has sold one of them.Congrats David!Do I dare dream of selling one of mine?Nah!I write my songs to express my feelings and thoughts.I write them so that I can
tinkle my very own compositions on my very own Clavi.
so long till I blog again

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

KL weekend

Was over in KL for the weekend.After all that had to be done was done I headed for Ikea my favourite store.It was teeming with people and they were allshopping! Yes shopping .Yes true-blue shoppers with their trolleys filled to the brim!Not only were the Chinese folk shopping for the Lunar year but the Malays and the Indians too.Its either the oncoming recession has no effect on KLites or these people are RICH!!!
The next was the new mall-The Pavillion.In great contrast there were fewer people there and I guess most of them were there to ooh and aah over the decor for the lunar year.The whole mall was filled with cherry blossom trees,pink ones and it was a beautiful sight.It evoked the CNY ambience.And everywhere you looked you saw RED!.Yes! bulls.I remember my late mother telling me that during the year of the bull,one should pat it on the head and make a wish.What was there for me to lose by such an action??So yours truly patted it gently on its head and made a wish..a secret wish meant only for this blogger.The food court...Food Garden was beautiful and the food delicious.Of course there's a price to pay.It was expensive fare but it was worth it.
The next day it was shopping at Mid Valley mall.The crowd was huge and we had left home early to beat the rush!I did not like it for there were way TOO many people and people were jostling each other...something I don't like.That's one reason I do not go shopping on weekends!MV's CNY decor theme was lanterns.There were silk lanterns of all sizes and hues and it cut a spectacular sight.
Two days of business and shopping tired me out so i twas another 4-hour
journey back home.I think home's always the best place to be.You sleep in your own bed and use your own toilet...except that when you get tired of being home for so long a period it's time to take a break...Kit Kat and all and a weekend by the sea.That's the next itinerary for me.Hasta la vista

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday blues

Well,the long December have come and gone and yippee! i 've been spared!Spared from unwelcome visitors.No! No! not creepy crawlies but those of the human kind.Before I sound unkind to you let me explain.Each year end hols,I get lots of visitors..welcome and unwelcome.I love the welcome ones because I like them.It is also a time to catch up on news and gossip but the unwelcome ones???.These are the ones who have never kept in touch and worst still I do not know them.The only link there is between them and I is that they are so and so's son or daughter.The so and so is a distant relative.They descend on us expecting to be treated like royals.Because Singapore is nearby I am expected to bring them sightseeing and shopping too.AS if I have nothing better to do!I take this in great stride but I can't help letting out my woes here in this blog.I certainly will not force myself on someone else this wayThe thing to do will be to stay in a hotel,have meals before I go visiting.Remember the adage..don't do things you don't want others to do to you?.So long.