All of ME

All of ME

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

KL weekend

Was over in KL for the weekend.After all that had to be done was done I headed for Ikea my favourite store.It was teeming with people and they were allshopping! Yes shopping .Yes true-blue shoppers with their trolleys filled to the brim!Not only were the Chinese folk shopping for the Lunar year but the Malays and the Indians too.Its either the oncoming recession has no effect on KLites or these people are RICH!!!
The next was the new mall-The Pavillion.In great contrast there were fewer people there and I guess most of them were there to ooh and aah over the decor for the lunar year.The whole mall was filled with cherry blossom trees,pink ones and it was a beautiful sight.It evoked the CNY ambience.And everywhere you looked you saw RED!.Yes! bulls.I remember my late mother telling me that during the year of the bull,one should pat it on the head and make a wish.What was there for me to lose by such an action??So yours truly patted it gently on its head and made a wish..a secret wish meant only for this blogger.The food court...Food Garden was beautiful and the food delicious.Of course there's a price to pay.It was expensive fare but it was worth it.
The next day it was shopping at Mid Valley mall.The crowd was huge and we had left home early to beat the rush!I did not like it for there were way TOO many people and people were jostling each other...something I don't like.That's one reason I do not go shopping on weekends!MV's CNY decor theme was lanterns.There were silk lanterns of all sizes and hues and it cut a spectacular sight.
Two days of business and shopping tired me out so i twas another 4-hour
journey back home.I think home's always the best place to be.You sleep in your own bed and use your own toilet...except that when you get tired of being home for so long a period it's time to take a break...Kit Kat and all and a weekend by the sea.That's the next itinerary for me.Hasta la vista

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