All of ME

All of ME

Friday, June 12, 2009

He loves her!

That's her on the big sisterSN.She has had her surgery done and thank God it was a success.The lump removed is benign and now she's recuperating.I have not visited her yet as I'm down with a bad flu and for sure the Immigration people at the checkpoint won't let me through.What matters most is that she is fine.I spoke to her on the phone and her voice is strong like usual.When I see her,I'm going to tell her that its high time she thinks about herself.She should stop worrying about other people's lives for she has a life of her own.This includes her children's lives because they are adults and should be able to deal with THEIR own family life and not depend on Mom all the time.Also she should do what she wants to do and stop being dictated by little 'pantangs' and the like!!I want to tell her to let her hair down once in a way and that nobody's perfect.So big sister,how about it??A new way of life which will be carefree and footloose.


  1. Dear Cikgu
    alhamdulillah for the successful surgery...yesterday we had lunch together at my place. who else? Janah dan Isnaliah...wished u were here.

  2. Hey good to hear from you.What's J and I doing in Kajang.Have'nt seen them for years!Makan apa?

  3. Hi Cikgu
    they were on their way fly to Medan, what else - shopping meh! n transit at my place. seemed they enjoy my cooking. wanna try? come overlah cikgu.
